
Years 3 - 6

"As students move into the Senior years in Primary school, we see a growing independence and self-awareness emerge."

As students move into the Senior years in Primary school, we see a growing independence and self-awareness emerge. As learning behaviours are consolidated and refined, students begin to take more responsibility for their decisions and actions. It is in these times that pastoral care and nurture from a teacher can be so valuable. 

Our teachers take time to really know their students. The partnership formed with families and the community that has been established in the early years is drawn upon as we continue to work together for the benefit of our students.

Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively about the world we live in, positioning themselves as citizens, neighbours and stewards of all that God has given us. As students engage with the NSW curriculum across both digital and analogue platforms, they begin to identify strengths, set goals and discover areas for growth. It is this self-reflection and awareness that will stay with them long after the Primary years have concluded. 

All students in Years 3-6 are assigned a College MacBook that is used across the curriculum and integrated into it. They participate in specialist lessons each week in the areas of Japanese, Information Technology, Music and PE.

In Years 5 and 6 students participate in overnight excursions to Canberra and Bathurst. They learn about leadership and are given opportunities to use and develop their leadership skills through undertaking specific leadership portfolios, including;  involvement in being buddies to our younger students, bell ringing, assisting in canteen, House Captains, Chapel worship team, Student Representative Council, School Captains and Prefects.